I love strawberries. It was an extremely hot pickin time...but I still enjoyed our time together. I am not sure if you have ever picked strawberries, but it is addicting. Once you start finding all these bea

utiful berries, you just can't stop. Even

when you have sweat dripping off of you, your kids are complaining about the heat, and the box is full...you just want to keep going. As you walk out of the berry field you look down and you see all these red beauties poking out and you start getting the urge to stoop down and pick them. I may be alone in this feeling, but it is a rewarding job. The hard part is getting home and deciding what in the world you are going to do with 13 pounds of strawberries that will go bad in a matter of a few days.
The kids enjoyed themselves for the most part. Mattie complained a whole lot about being hot. She reminded me a lot of myself when I was younger. Not wanting to do any hard work. Wyatt went nuts eating every berry he could. He ate them all, green, white, pinkish, red. Didn't matter how ripe it was coming off the vine and going in his mouth.
Hope you enjoy the pictures. If you would like to pick some strawberries, we went to a nice place in Afton. It was not a bad drive at all from Roseville. The place is called Afton Apple Orchard and they have a website that you can visit for information. What

they don't tell you online is that it is only $1.75 a pound to pick. Cheap!! We stopped at the new Sonic in St. Paul for Route 44 Cherry Limeades. I suggest that part as well.