Thursday, April 2, 2009

Colorful Comments

By the title I am sure that you would think I might swear.  But that is not really what I mean.  As some may and may not know, three days a week I watch two other young boys besides my own two.  Starting with my daughter down to the youngest, each child is about 16 months or so apart.  Now, just staying home with these children can quite often be chaotic.  I personally prefer to be VERY active those days to make the time go quickly for everyone involved.  So we usually go out at least two of those three days, most the time we leave all three days.  We go to the zoo, to an indoor playground and gymnasium, Toddler Tuesday at the MOA, and other such adventures.  We have a great time and it is always worth the effort to leave the house in my personal opinion.  Every now and then I get a comment at how well behaved the kids all are.  The real purpose of my post is this...

Mostly everyone that sees me out and about cannot contain themselves and blurt out things like, "Are these children ALL yours", or "You must be very busy", or "My, aren't they CLOSE together" I could go on and on, but you get the drift.  I realize that at 30 years old I MAY look too young for that many, but alas it is possible.  I realize that in this day and age people aren't having this many children that close together, but alas there are SOME out there doing it.  I also realize that at times caring for four young children with ages such as these can be really difficult, but alas it still has to be done.  

Then there are those that just stare.  They can't tear their eyes away from our situation.  They look to the kids, then me, then the kids, then get the drift.  Or like today at McDonald's, yes we ALL went to McDonald's, there was a mother and daughter that looked at us and then whispered between themselves.  I could not hear what they were saying, but since they felt the need to whisper I am sure it wasn't exactly edifying in any way.

It makes a person feel ashamed for what they have, what they have chosen.  It makes a person feel the need to explain, when really there is NO need.  Why do I always feel the need to tell whomever it is that asks that they are not all mine?

All this to say, I really only have two small kids.  So, from here on out I am vowing to tell every mother that is schlepping around the city with her brood that she has a beautiful family.  Maybe I will tell her that she is doing a great job.  I might even say, "I wish I had that many children."  Just to make her feel proud of all she is doing and all she has. 

Cause really, if you have four or more kiddos every deserve an award and some praise...and probably a vacation!

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Praying for Stellan.

Plain and Simple...I am praying.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Since I no longer have babies...

Here are some pics of my youngest coming out of babyhood/toddlerhood, and into boyhood.  I was thinking when Wyatt turned three a few weeks ago that I really don't have a baby anymore.  Eric and I aren't really planning on having any more kids of our own.  We like our two and the freedom that comes along with not having a baby now.  We are seriously considering adoption in the future, of maybe a sibling group that needs a forever home.  I have wanted to adopt for quite some time, and I have been more passionate about it since college.  We will see what the future holds.  I do often have these yearnings to have a baby when I am around one...but I also care for a young babe, and although he is sweet to the gills and I really love the little guy, I have to say he helps me remember the difficulties of babyhood.  

That being said I mourn the loss of doing something that you get to do when you have a child; name it.  I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE thinking of baby names.  I like to read baby name books, I love to hear what people have chosen, I even look forward to the day when we get a dog or a cat so I can help name the creature.  What is that?  Why do we think those things?  Who knows, maybe I am the only one. And really, what a lousy thing to mourn.  I should be mourning many other more sentimental things, but I don't.  I am sad to never nurse a baby again, and I am sad to not ever name one again.  Weird.  So I decided I would like to re-enter the world of blogging with a list of names I would like to name my child in dream world.  I have lots to choose from, and you can borrow them if you like, I would be so proud to contribute.  I am sure you agree from the pure beauty of the names I should have another...but I think it is a little selfish to have a child just to name it.

  • Charlotte Katherine(after Eric's g-ma)
  • Delaney Lavonne(after my g-ma, and Delaney is an Irish surname like Matigan)
  • Lily Kait
  • Sawyer James
  • Amos Emanuel(my maiden name with a "son" attached
That is all for now.  If I think of any others that I really love I will share later.  I really do always hope to keep up on this better, but I seem to find other things to do.